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CPCVerifi: A New Tool for Quickly & Easily Estimating Potential Energy Savings in Multifamily Properties (recording)

SAHLLN Webinar Series | March 2019
We know – or at least, we’ve been told – that high-efficiency housing properties not only consume less energy and water, but also that those buildings pay less in utility bills, have less maintenance costs, and provide residents with a healthier and more comfortable place to live. Efficiency improvements can increase net operating income, stabilize tenancy, and increase a property’s market value – pluses for both building owner and lender.  
But lenders are lenders and owners are owners, not necessarily building performance experts. How then can owners and lenders determine if and to what extent there is an opportunity for efficiency improvements to make a property more financially stable? 
At some point, an experienced building assessor needs to answer these questions in detail to inform project design and financing. But first, someone has to introduce efficiency into the conversation. This webinar supports that critical first step.  
Presenters highlight the new CPC VeriFi tool, an interactive, online software application that calculates estimated energy and water savings that could be achieved in a multifamily housing property based on just a few basic property data inputs. Developed by Community Preservation Corporation in partnership with Bright Power Inc., the tool can be used by both lenders to and owners of portfolios of multifamily properties to identify opportunities to cut waste and take advantage of high-return investment opportunities. Currently, the tool has data for buildings in the Northeast U.S., but the team is working on expanding it to include data nationwide. 
  • Jon Braman, Bright Power 
  • Danielle Donnelly, Community Preservation Corporation 
  • Moderated by Bettina Bergoo, EEFA/Sustainability in Affordable Housing Lender Learning Network








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Resource Topics: 
Quantifying Savings